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Game Ideas

Exact Change

This is the first Original Design of Game Ideas! I hope to continually write game ideas here, and would love to get any feedback on any of the games!

Intent for Exact Change #

Exact Change is heavily inspired by the delightful DroPolter. I am a huge fan of what I affectionately call “silly little dexterity games,” and this game checks all of those boxes. You can view the full rules on BoardGameGeek, but the super-short version - a card gets flipped, and you need to drop from your hand the matching items.

Another intent of Exact Change has a bit more personal history. I have two young daughters (as of the time of writing, 5 & 8), each of whom is a good sport about going into the local game stores with me while I browse. Although they have no experience with any tabletop RPGs, they are always drawn to the beautiful polyhedral dice, so we have slowly but surely started a modest collection. Since we have so many of these polyhedral dice without many games that use them, I was hoping to create some fun, family weight games to make sure that make use of these dice.

Rules #

Components #

The exact component list is dependent on local currency. The provided currency is for the United States, but it can be adapted to any currency.

Setup #

  1. Place the trophy, unique coin, and percentile dice in the middle of the table.
  2. Give everybody their set of coins.

Gameplay #

Contact Me!

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